Join Our Team:
Make money working from home & build a regular income stream
Your role, as part of the Alberta Utility Source marketing program, is simply to promote our electricity, natural gas and internet services to your circle of influence. Your customers could save noticeably on their monthly utility bills by switching, as our prices are likely lower than what they are already paying.
Whenever someone signs up for services using your personalized Alberta Utility Source website landing page, you will earn a portion of the profit from that customers’ utility consumption every month, for as long as they remain a customer of Alberta Utility Source. It’s easy for individuals to switch.
There is no risk as they can cancel at any time with just 10 days notice, and no physical changes are needed to their home or business.
Ready to begin? Contact our team [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Join Our Team: Make money working from home & build a regular income stream
Your role, as part of the Alberta Utility Source marketing program, is simply to promote our electricity, natural gas and internet services to your circle of influence. Your customers could save noticeably on their monthly utility bills by switching, as our prices are likely lower than what they are already paying.
Whenever someone signs up for services using your personalized Alberta Utility Source portal site, you will earn a portion of the profit from that customers’ utility consumption every month, for as long as they remain a customer of Alberta Utility Source. It’s easy for individuals to switch.
There is no risk as they can cancel at any time with just 10 days notice, and no physical changes are needed to their home or business.
Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.

Commission Structure
As part of the referral program, you’re guaranteed to receive a portion of Alberta Utility Source’s energy sales profit on the utility consumption of each customer you bring in after administration expenses.
Customer Usage Term
You Take Home
60% of energy profit
40% of energy profit
30% of energy profit
500 customers could mean $45,000 in your pocket in year one!
Estimated Earning Per Customer
Utility consumption varies based on an individual’s habits, size of their home and number of people living there.
If the average electricity consumption for a single detached home in Alberta is about 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) a month and the average natural gas consumption is about 10 Gigajoules (GJ) a month. You'll take home a percentage of the actual energy consumption price each month.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Alberta Utility Source's internet referral program is coming soon!
How Does It Work?

Commission Structure
As part of the referral program, you’re guaranteed to receive a portion of Alberta Utility Source’s energy sales profit on the utility consumption of each customer you bring in after administration expenses.
Customer Term
Take Home
60% of energy profit
40% of energy profit
30% of energy profit
Estimated Earning Per Customer
Utility consumption varies based on an individual’s habits, size of their home and number of people living there.
The average electricity consumption for a single detached home in Alberta is about 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) a month and the average natural gas consumption is about 10 Gigajoules (GJ) a month. You'll take home a percentage of the actual energy consumption price each month.
Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Tools we’ll arm you with
- Your own personalized Alberta Utility Source landing page that tracks the customers you sign up
- Your site will host an energy savings calculator to estimate how much your customers could save by switching to Alberta Utility Source
- A comprehensive welcome package and guide to help you and your potential referrals understand Alberta’s electricity market and all the services you can offer
- Marketing brochures, pamphlets, cards and promotional products
- Collaboration with Alberta Utility Source leadership to build promotions targeting your audience
- Access to the AUS customer care team for technical expertise when you need it

Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Have more questions? Refer to our Careers FAQ page.

Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Have more questions? Refer to our Careers FAQ page.

Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Have more questions? Refer to our Careers FAQ page.

Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Have more questions? Refer to our Careers FAQ page.
5 Reasons to Start Today!

Ready to begin? Contact our Managing Partner at [email protected] to receive the careers package.
Have more questions? Refer to our Careers FAQ page.